The College Board has established a set of standards for high school students to transition to college, which are measured by converting raw scores into a final score on a five-point scale: a score of 5 represents outstanding performance, 4 represents strong performance, 3 represents passing, 2 represents partial passing, and 1 indicates that the student is not recommended to take the corresponding AP course. Meeting the threshold requirements of various universities can exempt students from specific course credits, shorten their years of study, save them expensive credit and living expenses, and become a powerful academic achievement for applying to prestigious schools. The exam is held for about two weeks every May, and it is worth noting that taking the AP exam does not require prior approval of AP courses recognized by the College Board, which is different from the IB.
IB (International Baccalaureate) Diploma Program
由IBO (international baccalaureate organization)設計的一套為期兩年的課程,修課完畢方可參加考試。學生從六大類組課程中的前5組各選一門參加考試,第6門則可從六組中再任選一門,成績每科1到7分,總分滿分42分,除上述6個科目之外,學生需完成一組核心科目:知識理論(Theory of Knowledge, TOK)、創意行動服務(Creativity, activity, service, CAS)以及拓展論文(Extended Essay, EE),另外在知識理論及拓展論文中成績優異的同學會獲得最多3分(Bonus Points),因此,學生可以在國際文憑大學預科課程中得到最多45分。
The International Baccalaureate (IB) program is a two-year course designed by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). Students must complete the courses before they can take the exams. Students choose one subject from each of the five groups of courses and one additional subject from any of the six groups. Each subject is graded on a scale of 1-7, and the maximum total score is 42 points. In addition to the six subjects, students must complete a core program consisting of Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS), and an Extended Essay (EE). Students who excel in TOK and the EE can receive up to 3 bonus points, resulting in a maximum score of 45 points in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program.
Gathered by AP, we extend to all college exams.